GL Account Information
Group Link Inc. is a dynamic Business Marketing and Management Network enabling entrepreneurial and related financial relationships between authorized Group Link members in a secure and transparent process. The Network links member businesses, sponsored affiliates and clients through their offered business opportunities, services or products to those Group Link members looking for such opportunities, services and products.
Group Link membership offers:
#11, 3620-29th St. NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 5Z8 (403) 276-2221
Group Link Inc is a Canadian based Marketing and Management Network. Our mission is to provide a unique business relationship between members with the goal to provide leading and dynamic electronic related business opportunities, supplied marketing and management services or products at "Industry Best Pricing" between its members to ensure our Network Members share the benefits through the extent of the Network.
Through the use of the latest IT technologies and techniques Group Link enables broad economic development interactions between our members and advance their opportunities to build and develop within a Professional Business Network. Our integrated services and products allows integration opportunities at the sole discretion of our Members in order to grow their entrepreneurial business and professional opportunities within the Network. As a national organization with a global reach Group Link's dynamic electronic management platform is the heart of the Group Link Business Network reduceing time and costs when new business relations are established or when relationship interactions are conducted between members, their affiliates or clients.
Built on a 20 year foundation of a 100% PCI compliant Distribution Network, Group Link is focused on bringing to its Business Network Community a comprehensive and inclusive Business to Business management platform with world-wide reach based in the most stable, reliable, experienced and unparalleled market jurisdictions of the world.
Linking Business Opportunities
Around The Globe or Across the Street